This post is from Ron Rynders:

Several years ago Jay Schuiteman bought an extractor, and has been sharing its use with clubbers each fall. We must be thankful and also follow some rules of its use. The room will not be online until August 1. The room is on the west side of Jay’s Morton bldg., 4352 Ironwood, across from the Sheriff office west side of Orange City.

  1. Send email to to let me know when you ‘d like to be in the room.
  2. Each person who arrives at the room will find some honey left from the preceding person, and will leave some in the tub at the end. The machine will only be cleaned before the season and afterwards.
  3. Leave the room as you found it. If you soil the paper on the floor, either cover it with a new layer or replace it completely. Wash up the tables etc.
  4. When you finish, please leave something—money or honey—for Jay for the use of his room and equipment. A quart of honey is worth at least $20.
  5. There are two extracting tubs; when you finish with your frames, your cappings will be wet and draining. Take the whole (double) tub home with you, let it drain, set the cappings in front of the bees for cleaning, clean the tub and  return the tub asap. The next person needs it!
  6. There is a collection of strainers and a couple knives in the room. Feel free to bring your own if you wish. There are also some buckets, but you’d best bring your own when you come. If you use one from the room, please return it asap. For your first time around, it’s a good idea to bring one 5-gallon bucket for each honey super, some rags for cleanup, some plastic gloves if you like, etc.
  7. DON’T LEAVE BOXES SIT ON YOUR PICKUP BED WHILE YOU START EXTRACTING INSIDE… Jay has bees there, and if you don’t carry them all inside right away, Jay’s bees will help you open frames…
  8. There’s a sink, but the water heater is small, so use water sparingly.

If you have never extracted before, don’t hesitate to ask questions. My cell is 712-449-5010

Ron Rynders

NASS Enumerator

Cell 712-449-5010